Better understand the design function, its added value, the design professions … This training will allow you to fully use the contributions of a design approach in the context of a product development.

Objectives of the training:

  • Understand the interest and the implementation of a design approach with regard to strategies and organizations of companies.
  • Deepen the company & design collaboration
  • Give means to companies (managers and project managers) to carry out their project as soon as a design approach is initiated by the company.
  • Understand which benefits design can bring in an innovation process

Public : integrated designers – project managers – department heads – corporate management – design team

Duration : 2.5 days


Communicate your ideas graphically in a simple and fast way. Use the different graphic codes necessary for the communication of the project, this training addresses all aspects of the rough to better sell your ideas using your sketches.

Objectives of the training:

  • Revisit the basics of sketching
  • Give life to a sketch through the shadows, the lights, the enhancement of an object …
  • Stage a sketch in its environment

Public : designers
Duration : 2 days













































Understand what constitutes “perceived quality” for a user, this training explains the instinctive judgment of perceived quality of a user to integrate its components during the design and ensure the success of the product.

Objectives of the training:

  • Understand the impacts of perceived quality on the success of a product
  • Present the three components of perceived quality
  • Evaluate user expectations
  • Position your product correctly

Public : designers, design team

Duration : 2 days


You want to deepen a particular area of design, improve your creativity, set up an introduction to design for your teams…

You want to be coached as part of a project approach, you have specific training needs, CvOdesign implements tailor-made training and specific interventions in your company based on your expectations.